Home Based Sleep Study Test

A Home-Based Sleep Study is an overnight recording of your sleeping patterns in the comfort of your own bed.

Home Based Sleep Study | SmartCare Diagnostics | Springfield & Mt. Gravatt

Test Description

What is it?

A Home-Based Sleep Study is an overnight recording of your sleep, breathing, heart rate, leg movements and snoring for the diagnosis and evaluation of sleep disorders.  You will be fitted with a small device to undertake the test in the comfort and familiar surroundings of your own home.  You will be required to visit the clinic on the night of your home-based study, where you will be fitted with the device or given instructions on how to set up the sleep study unit before bedtime as well as the return of the sleep monitoring device the following morning. You will need to wear the device overnight which will monitor your breathing, brain activity, heart rate and body movements using several simple sensors applied to your skin.

Why do I need this test?

Your doctor may want you to have a sleep study if you have trouble falling asleep, wake up frequently, snore, or have other symptoms of a sleep disorder.  A scoring tool will be filled out by your doctor to ensure you meet the criteria for a bulk billed sleep study.  Your Doctor screening for Obstructive Sleep Apnoea can also be indicated if you suffer from hypertension (high blood pressure), diabetes, depression and work-related reasons.  Some patients are also screened prior to having a major operation and this information is important for their post-operative care.

What to expect

The sleep study device will be set up at the clinic.  During the process, a technician will connect multiple electrodes to your head, face, chest and legs.  If you are normally clean-shaven, please shave before your sleep study.

Please shower before your sleep study as once the electrodes and wires are applied you will not be able to shower until the next morning.

We recommend wearing comfortable clothing such as a button up or zip up shirt as the device will go on top of what you are wearing ready for bedtime.

As you will have visible wires around your face, we recommend you avoid using public transport.

The device will not restrict your mobility. You will be able to drive but you may prefer to be driven home by a friend or relative.

What do I do during the test?

When you return home please go about your normal night-time routine.  This includes having your evening meal, consuming your usual alcohol beverages, and taking your routine medications (unless advised not to).  The sleep study is a record of your typical night’s sleep.

When it is bedtime reconnect any leads that you may have removed ready for sleep.

When you wake up the next morning, remove the sleep study equipment as you have been directed by the clinic staff.  Do not throw away or cut any of the connections or leads.  Place the device and leads into the carry bag with your post sleep questionnaire.

Please return the sleep study equipment to the clinic in the morning after your sleep study, along with your questionnaire.  We will then return your security deposit upon the safe return of the equipment.

What are the risks?

Home-based sleep studies are a non-invasive, painless procedure. Some patients may experience a minor skin irritation from the sticky electrodes but this is rare.

Throughout the procedure, slight discomfort may be felt as a result of the numerous leads applied to the body and the longevity of the procedure.  We aim to make your experience as comfortable as possible.


Preparation Details

(Approximately 30 minutes)

Please shower prior to your appointment. This helps in securing the sensors to your body to ensure a successful study outcome.

Avoid using make-up, hair conditioner, styling products and moisturisers before your sleep study.  Please remove any nail polish.

After we’ve fitted the sensors, you won’t be able get changed before going to bed at home, so wear your sleepwear or clothes you’re comfortable sleeping in to the appointment.  We suggest a button up or zip up shirt or jacket to put on over the recorder and sensors to travel home comfortably.


What Happens After The Test?

The results of the Home-based Sleep Study will be made available to your referring Medical Practitioner. Urgent results will be communicated directly by telephone.


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